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Become a Sponsor

Become an Ability1st Sponsor

Partnering with Ability1st is not just a sponsorship; it’s a commitment to making a meaningful difference and fostering an inclusive community. Businesses, imbued with the spirit of giving, have a unique opportunity to intertwine their corporate objectives with a heartwarming cause. By becoming a corporate partner, you not only contribute to enhancing lives but also enrich your organizational ethos and public image.

Join us in a transformative journey where your business becomes a beacon of hope and an architect of impactful societal contributions. We are open to exploring diverse partnership avenues, including engaging presentations to your team, illuminating them about Ability1st’s mission and the extraordinary stories of the lives touched.

Ability1st Sponsors

Leveraging Products and Services for a Cause

Your products or services can be a powerful tool in uplifting those in need. If your business specializes in products or services that align with our mission, your contributions could be instrumental in driving our initiatives forward. Collaborate with us to discover how your offerings can be integrated to enhance the quality of life of our consumers.

Creating a Legacy of Impact

As an Ability1st sponsor, you are not just a benefactor but a valued collaborator in our mission. You will be instrumental in weaving a fabric of support that uplifts individuals, ensuring they thrive with dignity and independence. Embrace this opportunity to leave a legacy of compassion and impact that resonates with future generations.

Connect With Us

We invite you to reach out and explore the myriad ways we can synchronize our efforts for a transformative impact. Let’s discuss how we can tailor sponsorship opportunities that resonate with your vision of community service and corporate responsibility. Contact us today to embark on a fulfilling partnership journey.

Funding Provided By

Who Is Ability1st?

In short, we are a community-based organization offering support services, advocacy, and information to empower people with disabilities to live independently. Ability1st is operated and governed by people with disabilities for people with disabilities.

The goal of all Centers for Independent Living is to empower people with disabilities to take charge of their lives and guide their own destinies. We are a community-based non profit organization that provides services to people with varying disabilities in Leon, Jefferson, Madison, Taylor, Gadsden, and Wakulla counties.

Our Mission

Ability1st, the Center for Independent Living of North Florida, is a community-based nonprofit organization that provides services to persons with varying disabilities. Our mission is to empower people with disabilities to live independently and enhance their quality of life.

Contact Us

1823 Buford Court
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Phone: (850) 575-9621
Fax: (850) 575-5740
E-mail: contact@ability1st.info

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